(In German: Das heilende Tao.)
This ten day seminar will be a process of personal transformation that is based upon the principles of the five elements . For approximately two days the participants will explore the dimension of a specific element through meditation, massage of the corresponding organ meridians and Chinese diagnostic methods. This process of transformation trough the principles of the five elements has been designed twenty years ago in Austria and became well known as an empirical rather than purely theoretical teaching method.
The daily schedule is:
8 - 9 a.m. - morning meditation
9 a.m. - breakfast
10.15 a.m. - 2 p.m. - morning session with emphasis on feedback about the process, learning new meridians and points, new manual techniques and diagnostic methods
2 p.m. -lunch
4.30 - 8 p.m. - afternoon session with emphasis on practical work like exchange of meridian massage and pulse reading
8 p.m -dinner
9.30 p.m. - working in pairs with 5 element diagnostic or evening meditation.
The intention of this seminar is to enable the participants to do a valid five-element-diagnosis and accordingly select an appropriate sequence of meridian massage to balance out excess and lack of qi in the various affected meridians, thus being capable of treating symptoms of general physical and emotional dis-ease and chronic nature.
A characteristic of this five-element-process ist that the participants will become more aware of the emotional, mental and also spiritual contents and correspondances of the meridians and organs. The techniques and sequences of meridian massage have been designed in a way so that the release of suppressed feelings and emotions is facilitated and furthered (without being forced).
As the emphasis of the HEALING TAO seminar is on meditation, emotional exploration and contemplation of the five elements´ principles, it is not required to have previous knowledge of Chinese medicine. Beginners can learn the meridian system, their main points, basic five-element-diagnostic and meridian massage within these ten days. People who already know about Chinese medicine can focus more on finer aspects of the meridians and the points and keep the head empty to fully enjoy.
Effects and indications of the basic meridian treatments that are taught in this seminar:
1) The Tài Yáng treatment:
The Tài Yáng treatment consists of various physical, emotional and mental exercises to strengthen the elements Water & Fire within the bodymind and the massage of the 4 consecutive meridians of the Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney and Heart Protector (or Pericardium) that balance the elements Water & Fire.
As the Shu Points of the Bladder meridian on the back have a direct healing and balancing effect on the Twelve Organs and as blocked Qì (that shows as tensions and pains) in the course of the Bladder meridian in the head, neck, back and back of the legs are very common, the Tài Yáng treatment is the set of meridian massage that is mostly used. The Tài Yáng massage induces relaxation and furthers regeneration, it strengtens the elements Water & Fire of the personality - you get out of the head, body feelings and emotions are perceived to a larger extent, it loosens the back and warms the heart.
Disturbances and disorders which are caused by a disbalance of the elements Water & Fire and which can be treated by the Tài Yáng massage:
Headache in the forehead and back of the head; backache; PMS (premenstrual syndrome), pains before and during menstruation; lack of sexual appetite and vigour, weak erection, impotence or premature ejaculation; lack of connection between sexual impulses and love; hyperactivity, incapacity to deeply relax; sleeping disorders; mania; incessant talking (logorrhea); stress & burnout; epilepsy.
2) The Shào Yáng treatment:
The Shào Yáng treatment consists of various physical, emotional and mental exercises to strengthen the elements Wood & Metal within the bodymind and the massage of the 4 consecutive meridians of the San Jiao, Gall Bladder, Liver and the Lungs. The Shào Yáng treatment wakes or strengthens assertive power, the capacity to strategically plan and act. It furthers the dynamic of a person, it gives impulse & lust to move the body as well as move the important projects of ones personal life.
The Shào Yáng treatment helps to get out of inertia and laziness, it gives the impulse to take up exercises and sports and thus, it helps to reduce overweight.
Disturbances and disorders which are caused by blocked or lacking Qì in the Gall bladder and Liver meridians and which can be bettered or healed by the Shào Yáng treatment:
Headache in the temples (pains in the parietal and temporal regions) and migraines; red and painful eyes, visual disorders like myopia and long-sightedness; irritability, flashing anger and cholerical temperament; inertia, laziness and apathy which result in lack of agility, mobility and excessive weight; depression (caused by lack or stagnation of Qì in the Liver); tinnitus and hard of hearing; menstrual problems.
Disturbances and disorders which are caused by blocked or lacking Qì in the Lung meridian and which can be bettered or healed by the Shào Yáng treatment:
Cough, bronchitis, asthma and skin diseases; chronic sadness and solitude; depression (caused by lack of Qì in the Lungs); pessimism, no hope for the future.
3) The Yáng Míng treatment:
The Yáng Míng treatment consists of various physical, emotional and mental exercises to strengthen the elements Metal & Earth within the bodymind and the massage of the 4 consecutive meridians of the Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen-Pancreas and the Heart. The Yáng Mínng treatment wakes the need and desire to put everything in order, to clean th kitchen, tidy up the living room and writing desk. The Yáng Míng treatment furthers grounding and the connection to material reality. It furthers to be calm and social, to feel welcome and to welcome others.
Disturbances and disorders which are caused by blocked or lacking Qì in the Stomach and Spleen-Pancreas meridians and which can be bettered or healed by the Yáng Míng treatment:
Digestive disorders like heartburn, vomiting, gastric pains, abdominal distension, intestinal cramps, diarrhea and constipation; anorexia and bulimia; menstrual disorders, especially hypermenorrhea; infertility; weak connective tissues and cellulitis; lack of connection to material and social reality, chronic money problems, addicitions, excessive emotional states, financial and emotional crisis.
(In German: Acht Wundermeridiane.)
The EIGHT EXTRAORDINARY VESSELS of Traditional Chinese Medicine have very powerful effects on brain activity and our capacities of outer and inner perception - with the senses as well as by psychological insight - and basic Yin-Yang parameters of the organism.
The pair of Marvellous Vessels called Yin and Yáng Qiao Mài are often more efficient in treating sleeping disorders, stress and burnout syndromes than the Bladder and Kidney Meridians that are widely used for that purpose.
The combination of three Marvellous Vessels called Yáng Wéi Mài, Du Mài and Dài Mài have a distinguished effect on enhancing performance abilities on the physical and mental levels, so they can be used to help a musician before his concert, an actor before an audition or show, a business man before an important meeting or an athlete before competition to get into their best state of physical and mental performance.
The combination of three Marvellous Vessels called Yin Wéi Mài, Rèn Mài and Chong Mài reduce your brain activity from beta-waves to alpha and sometimes even delta - they help you to get in contact with your profound emotional layers, they help you to deeply relax into your being and easily let you fall into a slow-motion perception of the universe.
As treatment of stress disorders and burnout, quick regeneration and enhancement of performance abilities are very much sought after in the fast pace of modern civilisation, the EIGHT EXTRAORDINARY VESSELS are increasingly important in medicine and healing.
The technique of enhancing the flow of Qì in the EIGHT EXTRAORDINARY VESSELS consists in specific movement exercises, meditation techniques and acupressure of the points of the marvellous Vessels in various combinations.
SHÉN DÀO is a unique blend of structural bodywork in the tradition of Rolfing and Postural Integration, body oriented psychotherapy in the tradition of Wilhelm Reich and traditional Chinese medicine.
SHÉN DÀO is deep tissue bodywork that has been desigend to open up the energy flows and meridians in the body. Thus, it not only works on the physical posture and helps the body to move more gracefully and be more upright and erect, but also enhances the amount of energy circulating in the body and thus, vitality and health.
The structure of the body is not determined by bones, but by the length and tonus of muscles. If the tonus of muscles in the body is equal, the body is upright and able to move freely and gracefully. The length of a muscle is not determined by its muscle fibres (its contractile elements), but by the fascia (the white connective tissue) that envelops the muscle.
Due to traumas, bad postural and movement habits and muscular armouring (in the sense of Wilhelm Reich) to suppress unwanted or prohibited feelings in the development of character and body structures during childhood and youth, the length and tonus of muscles becomes inequal leading not only to a tense body, but also to distorted proportions of the body that can be perceived as bad posture as well as restriction of movement, restriction of emotional expression and impairment of emotional wellbeing.
SHÉN DÀO body work consists of a series of eleven sessions of body work that dissolve muscular tensions, reduce muscular armour, improve the body posture and reestablish upright alignment of the body.
The first three sessions focus on releasing the superficial layers of fascia in the body – the fascia of the deep layers of the skin and superficial muscles that can be palpated directly under the skin.
The first session works on freeing the superficial fascia of the upper body – the chest, shoulders, arms and upper back. This enables the thorax to breathe more freely and deeply - the amplitude of breathing turns bigger, exspiration becomes more complete and makes the chest small, then inspiration lifts the sternum, the clavicles, the region between the shoulder blades and widens the flanks. This results in freeing feelings that have been held in the chest – sadness and despair, pessimism and depression, cheerfulness and joy, serenity, laughter and love.
The first session frees the emotional energies of the lungs and the heart and improves the flow of Qì (life energy) in the meridians of the lung, the pericardium and the heart, the small and large intestines and San Jiao. Thus, the first session improves the physiological functioning of heart and lungs and allows awareness and expression of the above described emotions that have been contributed to the elements Fire and Metal in tradional Chinese medicine.
The second session works on freeing the superficial fascia of the lower body – the middle and lower back, the pelvis and the legs.
The back of the body is attributed to the Yáng in Chinese medicine. The main energy flow in the back of the body is the Bladder meridian which brings Qì from the head and neck via the back and buttocks to the legs and feet. On the back and the back of the thighs the Bladder meridian has two branches. On the back they run along the two main tracks of the Musculus erector spinae (M. longidssimus and M. iliocostalis). When the chain of fascia of the back and back of the legs are contracted and glued together they constrict and lessen the flow of Qì in the Bladder meridian. The results of Qì stagnation are pain and inflammation as acute symptoms, rigidity and stiffness in the chronic phase. Tension and Qì stagnation along the course of the Bladder meridian are the reason for frontal and occipital headaches and migraines, pain in the neck and back, prolapse of cervical, thoracical or lumbar discs, sciatica and muscular cramps of the calves. By releasing tensions in the back and back of the legs these symptoms are bettered or even disappear. The Qì can descend more freely from the head to the feet, thus freeing the mind from excessive thinking and a “stuffed head”. The result is mental relaxation. This also results in sufficient Qì flow to the following meridian which is the meridian of the Kidneys. If the Qì flow is blocked in the head, neck, back, buttocks and the back of the legs, the Kidneys do not receive a sufficient amount of Qì.
The Kidneys are the Water Yin of the body – if there ist suffient Qì in the Kidneys you will experience rich sexuality and fertility as well as the ability to deeply rest; the Qì in the Kidneys gives you a sense of mere being – without needing to prove your existence to anyone. Many try to achieve deep inner rest and stillness through meditation. But if the Qì is blocked in the backside of the body, its hard work with little gain. Its like trying to slow down your car, when your right foot still firmly pushes down the accelerator. People with an abundance of Qi flow in the Bladder and Kidney meridians can easily say: its very easy – just let go ! It just takes a long time to experience this just by sitting in Vipassana or Zen.
Releasing the tensions along the course of the Bladder meridian reestablishes the natural capability to let go of thinking and wanting, the ability of surrender and devotion.
The second part of the second session releases tensions in the chain of fascia in the front of the legs thus freeing the Qì flow of the Stomach meridian. The Stomach is the organ of the Earth Yáng. If the Qì flow in the Stomach and the following Spleen-Pancreas meridians is abundant, you feel grounded, you feel in contact with reality, you feel supported by Mother Earth, thus, you have the self-confidence that you are always able to find nourishment on this planet – materially, food, shelter and money, and emotionally, caring and empathic love. A functioning Earth element gives you a firm standpoint in life.
The second session of Shén Dào harmonizes two opposing elements within yourself – Water and Earth. Water makes you supple, pliant, flexible and induces a state of letting go – Earth makes you grounded and responsible, it makes you clean your house and tidy your affairs. It feels marvellous to be able to live these both sides of life.
The third session releases tensions in the side of the body, especially in the shoulders, the flanks, the hips and the outer side of the legs. If the fascia of skin and muscles of the side of the body are tense and glued, the Qì flow in the Gallbladder meridian is blocked or reduced. The Gallbladder is the organ of the Wood Yáng – the energy of spring, of movement and muscular strength, of self-assertiveness and focussed activity.
Releasing tensions in the fascia of the shoulders improves the ability to act, to use the arms and hands effectively to take what you need and to give what you have to share.
Releasing tensions in the flanks opens up a further dimension of breathing - your chest is enabled to expand to the sides, it gives you a broader feeling to be able to confront the various aspects of life. It is a subtle feeling, but quite rewarding.
Releasing blockages of Qì flow in the abductors (the hips and outer sides of the legs) improves the dynamic of a person - it strengthens the drive to walk its own way, vigorously follow the curves of the Dào and not to stop and pause at each bend of the Way.
Furthermore the third session releases tensions and emotional charges of the Musculus pectoralis minor where past experiences of broken heart, rejection and defeat in love are often stored. The last part focuses on the Musculi scaleni and sternocleidomastoideus and their capability to make the chest breathe in the tips of the lungs. This breathing is called clavicular breathing and it furthers optimism and self-confidence.
After completing ten sessions a client can expect to experience a greater sense of allover freedom. Better posture and improved movement can be expected.
SHÉN DÀO is a holistic method for body, mind and soul.
Topics that you experience and learn in the training:
- development of the bodymind by movement excercises and various forms of dance, for example dance of the Five Elements, contact improvisation, Salsa and Tango Argentino
- structural and functional anatomy
- emotional anatomy: the psychological functions of specific muscles
- Power Qí – learning to strengthen individually selected muscles with specific exercises, dumb-bells as well as Meridian Qì Gong exercises that increase the flow of Qì in the muscle that you want to nourish and fortify
- bodyreading: structural analysis and body language
- manual technics for loosening up the muscles and the fascia – thus deep body tensions and bad postures can be corrected, the body will be enabled to move gracefully straight and erect, when it was burdened and contracted, with a sunken chest and a forward tilted head
- breath work
- accompanying and leading the emotional process of the client
- one up to two hours meditation every day develop the inner observer and raise attentiveness
- knowledge of the six main character structures and bodymind in the tradition of Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, Ron Kurtz and David Boadella
- therapeutical work on individual character patterns in small groups
- basic knowledge of NLP techniques
- Greek Gods and Goddesses: twelve psychological archetypes of Greek mythology
- transformation of behavioural and character patterns by various techniques like Gestalt, NLP and Astrodrama |